Photography services for networking events in Montreal.

Women & Money Montreal began as a weekly online support group for ladies in the Montreal and surrounding areas. The goal was to provide a non-judgemental environment for women have open conversations related to finance, investing, business, or real estate.

This Brunch ‘n Learn is part roundtable discussion, part networking. Our focus will be on getting into the right money mindset and how to think BIG. Financial planning is all about planning for the future as well as planning for the the unexpected.

- What is stopping you from making your next move?
- Are you not sure what to do next?
- Are you feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where/how to start?
- Are you stuck? Are you scared?
- Are you financially sound and don’t know what else is out there?

These are all valid questions and we invite you to share them with us. Sharing is caring, and the goal behind WMM is to lift each other up and support each other in our financial journeys.