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Removing a mole from someone’s face

To remove a mole, I used the Healing Brush Tool

Reducing sunburn

Reducing Sunburn with Photoshop

Here is how to reduce sunburn.

Removing acne

Removing acne with Photoshop

For instructions, click here.

Removing skin blemishes

Removing skin imperfections with Photoshop

Her skin was quite good but there were a few imperfections. Here is how to fix it.

Ironing a person’s t-shirt

Ironing a t-shirt with Photoshopp

Mitch didn’t iron his shirt. We fixed that for him here.

Reducing the size of Keith’s jaw

Reducing the size of a jaw with Photoshop

Find instructions here.

Reducing the size of ears

Reducing the size of an ear with Photoshop

To see how I reduced the size of the ear with photoshop.

Fixing distortion created by a wide-angle lens

Fixing distortion created by a wide angle lens on Photoshop

For instructions click here.

Making changes to hair and clothes

Fixing hair and clothing with Photoshop

For instructions click here.

Making someone thinner

Making someone thinner with Photoshop

Check for instructions here.

Making an arm look thinner

Thinning part of a body with Photoshop

We can modify parts of a body. Here is how it’s done.

Removing a big logo from a T-shirt

Removing logo from shirt with Photoshop

In this exercise, we remove the big logo on the shirt of the man. Click here for instructions.

Removing Lint from a T-shirt

Removing Lint from a T-shirt in photoshop

Although is not noticeable in this small image, on the image on the left the t-shirt has lint, on the right, the lint has been removed. Here is how.

Removing bracelet from arm

Removing a bracelet with Photoshop

In this image, we remove a bracelet from the arm of the woman. See instructions here.

Removing a big logo from a shirt

Removing a big logo from a shirt

When a logo is big, sometimes it takes a few extra steps to remove it. Here is how to do it.

Removing logo from a fleece

Removing Logo from Clothing

To wear a brand’s logo it’s similar to being a walking billboard but without compensation. Many of us don’t like to share images with brand names without being compensated. Here I show how to remove the logo.

Deleting people from the background

Deleting people with Content Aware Tool

Often time you have people in the background that you would rather not have. We can remove them with the Content-Aware Fill. See instructions here.

Changing the background to get rid of unwanted section

Fixing backdrop with the patch tool

In this photo, we are Fixing backdrops with the Patch Tool

Cleaning background and increasing contrast

Photoshop, cleaning background and increasing contrast

In this image, we cleaned up the background and increased the contrast on her face. See the procedure here.

Painting in a solid color into the background and adjusting tone

Photoshop, Painting in a solid color into the background

We take a sample color from the background and make it into a solid color. Then, we adjust the color and tone of her face. See details here.

Removing a lamp post and making the photo wider

Content aware cropping

In this photo, we removed the lamp on the back by deleting it and adding some pixels from the Content-Aware Fill. We also made the image wider by creating some pixels at the end of the photo with the Content-Aware Fill. Here are all the details.

Removing branches from behind her head

Content aware fill

In this image, I removed the big branches from behind her head with the Content-Aware Fill. See the process here.

Removing Gap from behind head and cropping

Removed the gap above the head and the black line to the left with the Clone Stamp Tool. Finally, I cropped the top of the photo. See the process here.

Removing rocks from the beach

Spot Healing Brush

Here, I removed little rocks and debris on the beach with the Spot Healing Brush to give it a more clean look. Check out the process here.

Old photo restoration

  • Color correction
  • Deletion of a person at the far right
  • Fixing of photo damage

Red eyes correcting

  • Red eye correcting
  • Making her skin lighter
  • Increasing the sizes of eyes
  • Making her smile a little bit