This was the 30th LinkedIn Local Montreal get-together. The event took place at Cuisines Nuenza, located in Little Italy.

LinkedInLocal is all about keeping the social in social media and allowing you to make real-life connections with the local people you’re connected to on LinkedIn, and of course, meet even more!

There’s lots of time to mingle and meet, and we’ll be giving the floor to two speakers (Sara Gilbert and Jean-Francois Manouvrier) who will help you add value to your networking.

The sponsors for this event were:
- Froso’s Cuzina (Snaks)
- Chocolata Bakery (Sweets)
- Cuisines Nuenza (Venue)
- Michaël Leduc (Videographer)
- Alain Guillot (Photographer)

A big “thank you” to the organizers: