Ryan got in touch with via email. He was going to spend a few days in Montreal and he wanted to propose marriage to his girlfriend on top of the Mont Royal Mountain (Montreal).

He told me that he had been looking for a few days for a photographer who could take photos of him as he was proposing and that after taking a look at my website and reading a few of my reviews, he felt he could trust me.

We went back and forth on the best time and the best location to make the proposal.

As a photographer, I insisted on the Golden Hour, but he told me that it would have to be a bit later than that because they both had other engagement in the city.

I accepted to do the shoot even though it was going to be a bit darker than ideal. Fortunately, if a photographer increases the ISO of the camera, the camera becomes a bit more light sensitive and decent photos can be taken in almost darkness.

As the minutes were passing, the sun was going down fast, and I had to make adjustment to my camera every few minutes or so.

I had never seen Ryan in person and I was afraid to miss him. there was a big crowd and one of my biggest fears was that I would not recognize him, even though he had sent me photos of him and his girlfriend by email.

I asked him to give me some kind of signal when the proposal was coming. I didn’t want to be pointing my camera at him the whole time, but I wanted to have my finger on the trigger when the moment came.
We agreed that the signal would be, he taking off his tuck a few minutes before the proposal.
As he arrived at the top of the Mont Royal mountain, I recognized him immediately.
We locked eyes in an acknowledgement of recognizing each other. He knew then that the event would go on as we had planned.
He approached the lookout,
He put the tuck in his pocket
He kissed his girlfriend
He dropped to his knee
He took out the ring from his pocket
And he proposed marriage to his girlfriend
I went crazy snapping photos.
From my point of view, I saw the surprise and the emotion in her face.
She said YES!
They kissed and hugged each other.
It was only a few seconds later that she noticed that there was a photographer taking photos of the whole event.
She was surprised for a second time and for a second time she was overwhelmed with emotions.
As a photographer in Montreal, these are the happiest moment in my life, when I see life changing events and I get to capture them and give them back to my clients as a time stamp of the moment in which their lives changed forever.
This is the testimonial that Ryan sent me:
I reached out to Alain to photograph my proposal at Kondiaronk Belvedere.
I would recommend him to anyone that is looking for a professional photographer in Montreal.
Not only did he take some amazing photographs of the event, but was also very attentive and nice to deal with in the lead up to the day.
Him and his friend Cheryl are amazing and really made the whole day/experience.
Thank you Alain!
If you are planning to propose to your future life partner. I would love to be there to capture the moment and give it back to you in a time stamped image.
Other marriage proposals