18-year-old birthday girl

Photos of an 18 year old birthday party in Montreal

It was my pleasure to be the photographer for this 18-year-old party in Montreal.

Well dressed black man
This is the step dad of the birthday girl

My clients are from the Philippines, and the party was attended by members of the Philippine community in Montreal

Little kid laughing
The guests were from all ages for young kids to the older grandmothers

18 year old is that magic moment when many children become adults. Of course, it’s the rite of passage into adulthood.

Woman laughing
There was a lot of animation

In Quebec, people become adults in the eyes of the law at age 18. People under 18 are called “minors.” For some decisions, minors are not allowed to act on their own.

Two teenager girls laughing
All the friends are having fun
18-year-old birthday party
Happy Birthday Allison

Other Birthday parties